
During the guided visit to the antiaircraft shelter no. 4 discovered one of the 20 shelters of the Civil War existing in Tortosa and we will explain what life was like in the city when it was devastated by the bombings. El refugi compta amb a system d'audio that the most real fam i ens transports to that time. Located on Carrer d’Ernest Hemingway, in homage to this North American writer who is going to be a war correspondent and who is a trobave among the daring British and American journalists to create the River Ebre to avoid the battle. We will continue along the route of the Spaces of the Civil War: Eixample, Plaça Alfons, Pont delrailway, Monument del riu, etc. A visit that will not leave you indifferent!



Every Saturday at 6pm

Other days to arrange

Months of July and August, guided tours are conducted on some weekdays (check) and during August the tour begins with civil war sites at 6:45 pm, followed by the air-raid shelter at 8 pm.