A Weekend Getaway

Combine history and nature
An opportunity to know the city and the region
Dertosa, Turtuixa or Tortosa… This is the city of the three cultures —Christian, Muslim and Jewish—, and remnants of all three can be observed throughout the city.
If you have a whole weekend to visit Tortosa, then relax and enjoy everything the city has to offer. You can spend the first day exploring the old part: the old town, the cathedral (which has an outstanding permanent exhibition), the views from Suda Castle, the Jewish quarter and the Royal Colleges. See Tortosa in a day
From a culinary point of view, Tortosa’s privileged location means that it offers a wide range of options, with sea and mountain dishes and numerous places where you can simply indulge in a few tapas and a glass of wine.

On the second day, you can visit the city centre, which has a strong modernist influence, as well as the local park. Another option is to stroll across the bridges: the Pont Roig (the old railway bridge that marks the start of the Greenway) and the Pont de l’Estat, which offers fantastic views of the city and river. Near the Market lies the pier, where visitors can engage in activities such as boat trips aboard Tortosa’s felucca.
Between two natural parks

Tortosa is located between Els Ports Natural Park and the Ebro Delta Natural Park. Take advantage of its location to explore these outstanding natural areas at some point over the weekend.

One option is to take in one of the many walking routes through Els Ports Natural Park and immerse yourself in the lush natural surroundings. Els Ports massif conceals hard-to-reach areas that canyoners will love. The geological formations of Els Ports have given rise to a unique landscape. This area is home to 1,200 different plant species and 50% of Catalonia’s listed reptiles and amphibians.

It is also possible to visit the neighbouring region of Terra Alta to sample its renowned wines and the charming villages at the foot of Els Ports. The Roques de Benet was a source of inspiration for the painter Pablo Picasso, who lived in Horta de Sant Joan at different times during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They say that he may well have discovered cubism here, because of the peculiar forms of these rocks. In 1966, Els Ports National Hunting Reserve was created and, in 1992, the territory was included in the Plan for Areas of Natural Interest. In 2001, Els Ports was recognised as one of the most significant natural areas in Catalonia and the second largest, after the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park.

The Greenway
One of the options for visitors to Tortosa is to dedicate a morning or afternoon to a bike ride along the Greenway. The old route of the Val de Zafán railway line can only be tackled by bike, on foot or on horseback, and connects Puebla de Híjar in Aragon with Tortosa. Today it is one of the main tourist attractions in the south of the province of Tarragona.

Ebro Delta
On the other hand, the wide, flat Ebro Delta is just a short car journey from Tortosa. The Delta also offers numerous walking and cycle routes and makes the perfect location for family activities: cycling, kayaking, birdwatching and visits to adventure and nature centres for children, such as the Parc Deltaventur and MónNatura Delta.
The Ebro Delta also offers a unique, varied cuisine, with dishes well worth trying, like rice dishes and paellas, smoked eel, eel in sauce or “xapadillo”.